
Final Blog Post

          My relationship with technology is healthy for the most part. Although I check my cellphone's screen time, it is higher than I would like it to be. My screen time average is roughly 6 hours per day, but most of that time is spent on iMessage. I did not realize the amount of time that texting consumes because of how quick sending a text is. Therefore those hours are small moments added up together.       Additionally, Instagram is another app I use a lot. I primarily use Instagram for entertainment, such as watching funny videos or keeping up with pop culture. Overall, I believe technology takes up too much of my life, but I don't know how to cut down texting time. I mainly text with my friends and family back home because I am prone to getting homesick, so texting is a convenient way to stay in touch. A feature on the iPhone can limit the amount of time you spend on an app and I do have that set up for Instagram because I realized I was spending too much time on it. 

Blog Post #11: Living in the Age of A.I.

          In the Age of A.I. video, many elements surprised me about how far technology has come. In the video, Xi Jinping said China would catch up with the U.S. in article intelligence by 2025 and lead the world by 2030. Therefore, China plans to take on the world's most innovated A.I. culture. In my opinion, China already has the most innovative A.I. culture by leading in e-commerce. For example, drones deliver to rural villages and you can shop in stores without cashiers where the currency is in facial recognition. Furthermore, I learned in the video that the more data an A.I. has, the better it functions and learns. Therefore, China is the best place for A.I. implementation because of the vast amount of data available. The A.I. can access all that data which means it can develop a deep learning algorithm and quickly predict behavior. For example, China has developed a deep learning algorithm for approving a loan from the bank. The algorithm takes about 8 seconds to assess 5,0

Blog Post #10: EOTO Confirmation Bias

     Confirmation bias was one of the most interesting terms presented in class. The definition of confirmation bias is "the tendency to process information by looking for, or interpreting, information that is consistent with one's existing beliefs." An early demonstration of confirmation bias would be an experiment conducted by Peter Watson in 1960. The experiment consisted of people finding the experimenter's rule for sequencing numbers. The results were that the participants chose answers that supported their initial hypothesis even though evidence contradicted it. In other words, this is a perfect example of confirmation bias because the subject chose solutions that closely aligned with their original beliefs rather than focusing on the evidence that disproves them.       There are also different kinds of confirmation biases that play into our daily lives. The first type is biased search, which is the bias that occurs when researching and collecting information

Blog Post #9: Rogers' Diffusion of Innovations

    Roger's Diffusion Theory not only applies to innovations, but also ideas. My favorite idea that has spread through this theory is feminism and its different waves throughout history. I consider myself a feminist and am passionate about learning the obstacles women had to overcome to achieve today's status. In order to have a better understanding of the waves of feminism, you must understand the definition. Feminism , "the belief in social, economic, and political equality of the sexes." Therefore, it simply means equality to the opposing gender in all aspects of life. However, society has skewed its definition and, in some cases, interpreted it in a negative light. For example, many believe feminists dislike men and want power over them, but this is not the case.       The first wave of feminism was considered the pioneers and early adopters phase. It began in 1848 at the Seneca Falls Convention , where women discussed 11 resolutions on women's social, civil,

Blog Post #8: EOTO Alternative Media

          Alternative media does not have a sole definition due to its various components. However, it is best defined as media sources that differ from established or dominant media types in terms of their content, production, and distribution. Alternative media sources may be challenging to identify, but a series of questions can help pinpoint the answer. The questions are: Is it corporate-owned? Is the content misreported or repressed in mainstream media? How is it produced and distributed? Does it seek social or political change? Is it profit-oriented? All these questions help determine if the news is considered alternative media.       A key difference between mainstream media and alternative media is that mainstream media is profit-orientated. Typically, big corporate powerhouses run mainstream media, which generates revenue from the advertising industry or can be agenda-based. Regardless, alternative media can be profit-orientated, but profits are typically not the primary goa

Blog Post #6: EOTO Technology

        The printing press is an intriguing technology that I learned more about during the EOTO presentations. The printing press is a device that allows for the mass production of uniform printed matter, such as books, newspapers, and pamphlets. The inventor of the printing press is unknown as well as the time of its creation. However, the oldest printed text originates in China in the first millennium A.D. The early printing press included block printing, which consisted of hand-carved blocks. In 1440, inventor Johannes Gutenberg was in Germany as a political exile and experimented with the printing press. By 1450, Johannes Gutenberg traveled back to Mainz, Germany and established the first printing press in Europe. The establishment of the printing press in Europe enabled knowledge and skills valuable in commerce.      Additionally, print media became a crucial role in developing numeracy, the emergence of business education, and bookkeeping and accounting. As a result, the print

Blog Post #7: Privacy

 The TedTalk by Christopher Soghoian highlighted that our telephones and the networks that carry our calls were initially wired for surveillance, which is a chilling thought since a majority of the population uses their telephone every day. Therefore, the issue of privacy affects everyone because of the electronic footprint left behind when using a device. Furthermore, the TedTalk by Juan Enriquez compared popular platforms such as Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and Yelp to tattoos in terms of all the information posted is as permanent as a tattoo. To further elaborate on this point, Enriquez mentions the story of Atalanta and Hippomenes. Atalanta was the fastest runner, which led to a deal against the people who challenged her in a race. The challenge was that anyone who won against her could marry her. However, if you lost, you would have to die. So Hippomenes took himself upon that challenge but won because he distracted her by throwing golden apples on the ground. The story's pur