Blog Post #9: Rogers' Diffusion of Innovations


  Roger's Diffusion Theory not only applies to innovations, but also ideas. My favorite idea that has spread through this theory is feminism and its different waves throughout history. I consider myself a feminist and am passionate about learning the obstacles women had to overcome to achieve today's status. In order to have a better understanding of the waves of feminism, you must understand the definition. Feminism, "the belief in social, economic, and political equality of the sexes." Therefore, it simply means equality to the opposing gender in all aspects of life. However, society has skewed its definition and, in some cases, interpreted it in a negative light. For example, many believe feminists dislike men and want power over them, but this is not the case. 

    The first wave of feminism was considered the pioneers and early adopters phase. It began in 1848 at the Seneca Falls Convention, where women discussed 11 resolutions on women's social, civil, and religious rights. However, only 10 of these resolutions passed, with women's right to vote failed. These resolutions gave women more power than before and the failed resolution added more fuel to the fire in terms of moving forward. The suffragettes continued to campaign for equality as World War I began. The impacts of the war forced society to accept women in the workforce. Under Rogers' Diffusion of Innovations, women in the workplace caused an early majority of acceptance. As a result of women's participation in the war, the 19th amendment passed, giving women the right to vote. 

    After the 19th amendment passed, the second wave of feminism began. The second wave focused on "women's liberation." Throughout this period, the equal rights amendment passed, giving legal equality to women and banning the discrimination of gender. Furthermore, the landmark Supreme Court case Roe v. Wade guaranteed privacy and the right to abortion, a considerable progression forward than before. Under Rogers' Diffusion of Innovations, this period feminism would fall under the late majority of adoption. The third wave of feminism is much more recent and still falls under the late majority of adoption. The main goal of the third wave was to achieve further and accept women's differences of race, social class, and sexual orientation. 

    The fourth wave of feminism is happening right now. This wave consists of #MeToo and the Women's March movements. The #MeToo movement highlighted rape culture and the harassment women face. The annual Women's March sought to spread awareness for reproductive, civil, and human rights and began on former President Trump's first day in office. Due to the power that both of these movements caused, there are laggards of adoption towards feminism. People believe the women who participate in these events are seeking attention or are the stereotypical radical feminists who dislike men. However, this is not the purpose of these movements, and feminists should continue to strive for equality until there is no need for these types of movements. 


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